Back day........... I am my only competition!!!!!

Back day........... I am my only competition!!!!!

💥 100 Free Promo-codes for my latest tech notes app! 🔺

Last month when I launched [Kodebook]( I asked the Redditors if promo codes will help you test and share feedback about the app. Since I got positive responses I'm sharing 100 Monthly subscription promo codes to the community. In return I just expect a honest review & rating. I'm not strictly asking for 5 star ratings and positive reviews. Just honest feedback that will help the app! **Steps:** ***1. Please download and use the app for 5-10 minutes*** ***2. Open it a 3-5 times.*** ***3. Share your rating and review.*** ***4. Send the screenshots to*** [***[email protected]***](mailto:[email protected]) ***and let me know in the comments*** ***5. First 100 users will get free promo codes and also be included in future offers.*** Your feedbacks will help me shape the app better!

Tomodachi Life Versions

![img](va0z0bz1zmie1) Whats the difference between the different european and NA versions of tomodachi life on the hshop and which should I download?

Looking for movie recommendations

Anyone got any romantic, rom-com style movies where the couple falls out of love and back in love please drop them below

[Québec] Montréal February 14: No More Stolen Sisters March | Nakuset Cree Nation

ONT airport & more looking south from Above (Landing at BUR)

[For Hire] Illustrator and concept artist available for work

Design changes everything. Discover Kohler’s powerful collaboration with creative director Laura Kim, inspired by the Veil smart toilet in Honed Black.

Design changes everything. Discover Kohler’s powerful collaboration with creative director Laura Kim, inspired by the Veil smart toilet in Honed Black.

Proxmox best choice?

Good evening. I was hoping for some advice. I've been reading and watching quite a few videos about Proxmox and I think this is the correct direction I want to take. My current setup is physically bulky and I'm working towards a single physical system to perform all the tasks. Here's what I have currently, \-Standalone system running Opnsense (Must support 2.5Gb coming in from modem, and 10GB from my main computer to the Opnsense install) \-Standalone system running TrueNAS for storage among all Windows clients on my home network \--TrueNAS runs the following 'apps', PiHole, Plex, Unifi Controller That's it, thoughts? I'd really like to condense down to one physical machine doing all the things without giving up any performance. The 10GB networking (2 ConnectX3's) are just because I can, but i've grown to like the overall speed between my machine and Opnsense. I never need to worry if I'm getting the max out of my internet connection, and I don't have any bottlenecks that I had with a dual port 2.5GB NIC in the Opnsense machine. I'd like my new all-in-one server to be fairly robust. Something with 12-Cores and 64GB of ram I think is going to be my starting point. Thanks in advance!

Glow up tips?

Does anyone have any glow tips for me that do not including hair or makeup?


What is the best shape of magnet to use? I'm going to buy one for the first time and I see that there are cylindrical ones, thin ones, and square ones with a sleeve... I don't know which one is more practical to use or do I have to buy several shapes for different purposes? Sorry, I'm new to this and I'm just getting my gear. If you can give me some brands, that would also work for me (although I'm from Latin America)

Extend unlock not working

First off. The setting switch for both on body and trusted places has to be an oversight right. It's ridiculously small that if your eyes suck and mine don't you can't even see the toggle. Please tell me this will get a an update. Second when both are switched on the on body just doesn't work at all and the trusted location works here and there. Anyone else have issues or figure out how to get it working? Other than that phone is working great. Regular s25 navy looks great.

there’s just no telling what the mods will take from us next

Dm me, feed me, down for whatever you want NL

Deck Help Cult vs Inq

Been playing for about a month now...I mainly use inquisitor, but have been stuck in league 6. Any advice? Thanks in advance.

Lf / Ft pics below

Looking for armoured mew and shiny gmax char, willing to do 4:1 for armoured mew, you will have to go first unless you are a trusted trader in the server, Aggron is LVL 50, Sceptile is a shiny nundo ( could get through pokemon home ) Dm me for details and offers.

"> Looking for armoured mew and shiny gmax char, willing to do 4:1 for armoured mew, you will have to go first unless you are a trusted trader in the server, Aggron is LVL 50, Sceptile is a shiny nundo ( could get through pokemon home ) Dm me for details and offers.

Pensez-vous qu'on peut lever certaines limites matérielles à l'aide de logiciels ?

Pour certains, la question peut sembler idiote, mais elle est bien plus profonde que vous ne pouvez le penser. J’ai terminé le lycée et j’ai décidé de prendre une année sabbatique. Mais il y a quelques mois, j’ai commencé à m’ennuyer et à m’intéresser à certaines choses, comme : pourquoi utilise-t-on le système binaire au lieu du ternaire ? Et aussi aux IA. J’aimerais faire plus de recherches sur les systèmes ternaires, mais je me suis heurté à un mur. J’ai donc mis ce projet de côté et exploré d’autres sujets. Chaque fois, un problème revenait : la mémoire. Je me suis rendu compte que toutes mes recherches étaient liées, de près ou de loin, à la mémoire. J’ai donc continué à creuser jusqu’à vouloir créer un programme capable de lever certaines limitations. Je ne suis pas programmeur, juste un amateur qui aime faire de la recherche. Alors, je me suis tourné vers l’IA pour voir si elle pouvait m’aider à aller plus loin. J’ai trouvé un bon concept, mais en le codant et en l’exécutant, cela a endommagé mon PC. Je me demande donc : puisque la majorité de mes recherches visent à optimiser le matériel grâce aux logiciels, est-ce le code généré par l’IA qui me donne du fil à retordre ou est-ce mon PC qui est trop limité ?

I like how he started inspecting my valentine area and started taking pics...I like when some one walks on the paths I made and love more npcs to wander my farm...

Ariana Grande on the cover of Hollywood Reporter photographed by photographed by AB & DM; styled by Mimi Cuttrell (Feb. 12, 2025)

I'm a massive savings nerd. Here are the stupidest money mistakes I see people make.

**1. Overpaying for car insurance** The average American saves a whopping $410+ a YEAR ([source]( when they switch auto insurance carriers - sometimes significantly more than that: I saved $1,300 this year. The reason: some carriers offer discount prices to new customers when they switch. Take 30 seconds and go to a 3rd party comparison site ([]( and[]( are both fine) to see if you can find cheaper rates. You’ll likely save yourself a bunch of money. Some people suggest switching every 6 months, that's a little bit overkill imo. Once a year should be fine. **2. Overpaying when you shop online** Big stores like Amazon know that no one has time to price shop through dozens of sites, so there’s often no incentive for them to offer bargain prices. I typically hate browser extensions with a fiery passion, but Capital One Shopping has always worked well for me and I'd recommend trying it ([link here]( When you shop online (on Amazon or elsewhere) it will automatically compare prices for you, and auto-apply coupon codes when possible. **3. Dealing with debt on your own** If you’ve got $10k+ in unsecured debt (think credit cards, medical bills, etc), you can ask a debt relief company to come in and negotiate it for you. You typically will save around 23% on average (after their fees). Here’s a link to a savings calculator from National Debt Relief's website if you want to see how much you could save: [link here.]( **4. Not having a financial advisor.** You know why so many rich people have financial advisors? It isn't because they're better at picking stocks (spoiler alert: they're not) It's because a good financial advisor will help you with all of the bizarro tax implications you never would have thought of. People with financial advisors end up making \~3% more/year thanks to better tax planning. If you don't know an advisor personally, use a 3rd party comparison site to find somebody with good reviews ([WiserAdvisor]( is solid). **5. Using normal, low-interest savings accounts** I'm always shocked at the number of people still using garbage savings accounts that pay 0.5% (or less) a year. There are literally hundreds of banks that will pay you 8x that, usually 10x that rate [Here's a link to a bunch of options.]( -- There are tons of other things (obviously) but these are the ones that I see the most. Hope that helps.

I'm a massive savings nerd. Here are the stupidest money mistakes I see people make.

**1. Overpaying for car insurance** The average American saves a whopping $410+ a YEAR ([source]( when they switch auto insurance carriers - sometimes significantly more than that: I saved $1,300 this year. The reason: some carriers offer discount prices to new customers when they switch. Take 30 seconds and go to a 3rd party comparison site ([]( and[]( are both fine) to see if you can find cheaper rates. You’ll likely save yourself a bunch of money. Some people suggest switching every 6 months, that's a little bit overkill imo. Once a year should be fine. **2. Overpaying when you shop online** Big stores like Amazon know that no one has time to price shop through dozens of sites, so there’s often no incentive for them to offer bargain prices. I typically hate browser extensions with a fiery passion, but Capital One Shopping has always worked well for me and I'd recommend trying it ([link here]( When you shop online (on Amazon or elsewhere) it will automatically compare prices for you, and auto-apply coupon codes when possible. **3. Dealing with debt on your own** If you’ve got $10k+ in unsecured debt (think credit cards, medical bills, etc), you can ask a debt relief company to come in and negotiate it for you. You typically will save around 23% on average (after their fees). Here’s a link to a savings calculator from National Debt Relief's website if you want to see how much you could save: [link here.]( **4. Not having a financial advisor.** You know why so many rich people have financial advisors? It isn't because they're better at picking stocks (spoiler alert: they're not) It's because a good financial advisor will help you with all of the bizarro tax implications you never would have thought of. People with financial advisors end up making \~3% more/year thanks to better tax planning. If you don't know an advisor personally, use a 3rd party comparison site to find somebody with good reviews ([WiserAdvisor]( is solid). **5. Using normal, low-interest savings accounts** I'm always shocked at the number of people still using garbage savings accounts that pay 0.5% (or less) a year. There are literally hundreds of banks that will pay you 8x that, usually 10x that rate [Here's a link to a bunch of options.]( -- There are tons of other things (obviously) but these are the ones that I see the most. Hope that helps.

Roast my resume please, I can't find any good opportunities

I've been applying to a ton of SDE roles, but I never get any reverts except an automated rejection mail. I realize that the job market is bad right now, and maybe I'm not bringing anything special to the table since I'm a very mediocre person.

So I thought I'll ask for advice from people better than me.

Anything I can/should change in my resume? Any skills that I should be looking to add that would make my profile stronger?

Any inputs would be appreciated immensely!

P.S. I placed Education at the top because my work experience is less than 6 months, and my university was rather good.

"> I've been applying to a ton of SDE roles, but I never get any reverts except an automated rejection mail. I realize that the job market is bad right now, and maybe I'm not bringing anything special to the table since I'm a very mediocre person. So I thought I'll ask for advice from people better than me. Anything I can/should change in my resume? Any skills that I should be looking to add that would make my profile stronger? Any inputs would be appreciated immensely! P.S. I placed Education at the top because my work experience is less than 6 months, and my university was rather good.

Jessa’s dress

Someone in my wedding sub is selling their dress which is Jessa’s dress! I ran to this sub to post!



Private dm, if trade not going first

H: Vincent's Art Supplies List(2nd rarest legacy misc) W: Rare Legacy, Invisible Weapons or Camp Fire Tales Misc item Offers

Leader of the free world uses human shield while answering questions to the press.

Leader of the free world uses human shield while answering questions to the press.

Umm... who let gudao out?

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