So I have been working on a second IG army for a while now that my painting skills are much better.
I have been struggling to figure out how to tie in my kriegers to my other models since my cadian scheme does not work very well on them. The issue is that they have too little armor vs Cadians. While it looks ok on the individual, they turn into a blue blob/ look very boring from a distance when viewed as a squad. I know the picture seems good but it really is apparently from looking at the back. I apologize that I dont have a pic- I have been pondering this at work
An Idea I have been kicking around while looking at pictures of historical armies is to mix up their uniforms.( think late war germans/ Americans/russians in ww2,early Iraq war US coalition, the Ukrainians now… the list goes on). I am realizing that having a 100% identical uniform across armies is kind if unrealistic to say the least, especially if the theme is that they have been on the campaign trail for a while. My army’s basing is a late winter / early spring theme so it would make sense that there is a mix of winter gear, spring camouflage, regular uniforms etc.
My plan would be to keep some core colors as the focus and constant- in this case the blue needs to stay as an accent feature somewhere on the models to tie each one in. The armor, masks and pouches too. But the. The trench coat / trousers and flaps will vary between spring camouflage/ off white-winter colors / and possibly the drab that the flaps are in this pic. Vehicles will stay 100% uniform as a glue that brings it all together.
Would you think anyone would baulk at the look and think its incoherent? Has anyone tried this? Would a cheeky opponent/ tourney judge mark points of for not having a “ uniform” scheme?
Also, c&c is welcomed on the pic as well🫡.my apologies for the bad camera . I plan to do a 5-6 more testers of a few of the variations . I can follow up with those pictures if anyone is interested.
Red vs Blue is still in their hands for whenever they're revived! The greatest Halo machinima will have its forever home once more.